I took this when we went to Dillon's nursery in Cave Junction. We were just leaving and looked at the pond with the tules and cattails and this lovely bird was singing away. They are about 8 1/2". They are jet balck with red and yellow shoulder patches on upper wings, with a pointed black bill. The female is heavily streaked, brown with a pointed brown bill and white eyebrows. The juvenile is the same as the female. The female broods twice to three times a year, with 3-4 bluish green eggs with brown markings. More information can be found here on Wikepedia. |
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other websites but it will take awhile.
Please check back at some time in the future.
Thank you for your patience, Kay
Photographs by Kay Ekwall and JP Ekwall©2021
not to be copied or used without permission
Josephine County, Southern Oregon
All photographs and web design by Kay Ekwall ©2009-2021 and may be used by permission only