Bird Listings in this site (mostly Oregon birds)
NOTE: the ones that are underlined are the birds that I have photographed personally.
The others are names of other birds that have been found in Oregon
A. More Hummingbird photos |
G. Goldfinch,American Goldfinch, Lesser Goose,Canada Goose,Snow Great White-fronted Goose Grebe,Pied-billed Grosebeak, Black-headed Grosbeak Evening Grouse,Ruffed Gull,California Gull,Ring-billed |
M. Magpie,Black-billed Mallard Ducks Meadowlark,Western Mergansser,Common Merganser,Hooded Muscovy Ducks |
S. |
Y. Yellowthroat,Common |
B. Barred Owl Blackbird,Brewer's Blackbird,yellow-headed Redwinged Blackbird Black capped Chickadee Bluebird,Mountain Bluebird,Western Brown Pelican Bunting,Lazuli Bushtit |
H. More Hummingbird photos |
N. Nighthawk,Common Nutcracker,Clark's Nuthatch,Pygmy Nuthatch,White-breasted |
T. Tailorbird video (not in Oregon) |
Z. |
C. Canadian Geese |
I. | O. Oriole,Bullock Osprey Owl,Barred Owl,Great-horned Owl,Western Screech |
U. | |
D |
P. Parrot |
V. Vultures, Turkey |
E. |
K. Kestrel,American Killdeer Kingbird,Western Kingfisher,Belted Kinglet,Ruby-crested |
Q. Quail, California |
W. Warbler,Orange-crowned Warbler,Wilson's Warbler,Yellow-rumped Waxwing,Bohemian Waxwing,Cedar Widgeon,American Woodpecker,Acorn Woodpecker,Downey Woodpecker,Harry Woodpecker,Lewis's Woodpecker,Pilated Wren,Bewick's Wren,House Wren,Rock Wrentit |
F. Finch,Cassin's Finch,Gray-crowned Rosy Finch, House Finch,Purple Flicker,Northern |
L. Lar,Horned Lesser Goldfinch |
R. |
X. |